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This document reports a steady brightness behaviour. The behaviour was observed on Sun, 25/12/2022 UTC, during a planned observation of this satellite with binoculars under fair sky conditions from COSPAR Station 8336. The satellite was continuously observed. Over the interval of 10 s the brightness was steady at magnitude 4.5 (uncertainty 0.2 mag., estimated by direct comparison with stars). The centre of the observed steady behaviour was at 00:48:48 +/- 1 s. new to me = nu Psc..
FPAS Report, Cospar Station 8336
This report is entirely described by the following FPAS lines:
FPAS12,47579,R8336O,20221225,004848,1s,-,36,-96,201, SUBF,-,k,10s,4.5,k,DFCkNNN,N,-,-,-,-,23016.03680507,-, new to me = nu Psc. ;