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This document reports an intense-yellow flare of magnitude -3. The event was predicted and observed on Fri, 25/10/2013 UTC with the unaided-eye under excellent sky conditions. The satellite was continuously observed for 40 s while it was moving fast (around 1 deg/s) toward South-South-West. The flare lasted 25 s and the magnitude changed from 3 to -3 (uncertainty 0.5 mag., estimated by experience). The peak occurred at 18:20:16 +/- 1 s within the observation window. Great long flare still clear sky sun at -7.1� below horizon..
FPAS Report, CJ18
This report is entirely described by the following FPAS lines:
FPAS12,32376,RCJ18A,20130925,182016,1s,-,43.098,1.657,430, LPUE,FSw,40s,25s,-3,3,GHCCIYN,A,246.3,77.1,0.2,-,13267.05076309,-, Great long flare still clear sky sun at -7.1� below horizon. ;