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Welcome to our new member EB3CBZ (Florentino) who registered on 31/01/2025 09:11:08 UTC. Many thanks for having joined us.
17/07/2013 10:05:00 UTC
The last notice from fit_sat1 on twitter is: "University of Technology satellite project @ fit_sat1: It has not been determined in detail how is going to work in future, but it does now that "FITSAT-2" is take off one day if I'm glad and me watching again! We want to continue to tweet and also knowing about that something more." (google transl.)
10/07/2013 10:06:21 UTC
JA0CAW, "Tetsu", (Tetsurou Satou) published on Jul 9 his last telemetry video on youtube: FitSat-1 2013-07-04 CW Beacon, RCV: 13eleQuad FunCubeDongle+satcontrol+HDSDR, RCV Time: 2013-07-04 03:07 UTC
07/07/2013 18:48:53 UTC
On the Fitsat official page you can read 10 reports in time order, in the decay time frame, fom JA0CAW, JA1GDE, JR8LWY, JR5EPQ, JG6YEW, Mr. Cedric Salotto Cordeiro, DK3WN, JA6PL, PA3GUO. JR8LWY put to the twitter the recorded signal, with this note: "Signal seems to be 13:33 JST-FITSAT-1! The ... data not in the signal ... Morse, but I think that no doubt receive frequency is the same as the AOS at the time that the path before it is impossible to get." (google transl) Maybe this is the last, published sound from Niwaka:
05/07/2013 07:20:31 UTC
Dear Takushi Tanaka san, here is the time, when we can say many thanks to you, and to all the developer team, to developed, built, and controlled this unique Fitsat-1/Niwaka sat. Many thanks to the interesting experiments, what you shared with us. It seems, this pioneer optical design created a new hobby field for us, to follow, observ, record the atrificial light singals on such small artificial satellites. Many thanks to all the participants in this nice experiments too. Janos Tolgyesi ELTE University Budapest
05/07/2013 03:01:03 UTC
Modified: 05/07/2013 03:02:51 UTC
This web-page helped many people to observe LED-light from FITSAT-1. I would like to thank Prof. Simone Corbellini who made this wonderful web-page. I also thank Mr. Janos Tolgyesi who supported the flashing operation of FITSAT. -- Takushi Tanaka FITSAT-project, Fukuoka Inst. Tech.
04/07/2013 18:21:20 UTC
This is the "official" news about the Niwaka-decay: "FITSAT-1 has decayed on 4th July 2013.The last signal was received by JA0CAW at 03:07(UTC). I appreciate all people who joined our experiments, helped our operations, and sent me many reports." Takushi Tanaka (JA6AVG) The published last telemetry is here:
04/07/2013 11:19:58 UTC
From the [amsat-bb] list: --- Fitsat-1: not heard 07:20 UTC (over Netherlands/Europe) --- PA3GUO Thu, 04 Jul 2013 00:46:35 -0700 Did not copy Fitsat-1 during the 7:20 UTC pass (max 10 degrees elevation for me) over Europe. Orbit 4277 ...Henk, PA3GUO The Netherlands JO21RJ ---- Jean-Pierre Godet Thu, 04 Jul 2013 01:16:35 -0700 Pass here of orbit nr 4277 not heard either, but max. elevation was no more than 10 deg. We'll see with the next one, much more favorable for us in western Europe. But I'm afraid...73 ! Jean-Pierre/F5YG
04/07/2013 07:10:01 UTC
I would like to express my personal fairwell from Niwaka with this picture: Good bye Niwaka! (The personal pictures was taken, when prof Tanaka visited us in Budapest.)
04/07/2013 06:28:15 UTC
The close orbit at the predicted decay orver Japan was at 14:01 Japan Local Time (04:01 UTC) The first reports: Tetshu on Twitter: JA0CAW @JA0CAW: FitSat-1 04:37 UTC Not Heard JR5EPQ "SHO" @ JR5EPQ : It can not be examined 437Mhz CW beacon of FITSAT-1 13:40 JST. Re-check the path of 15:10 time of this next just because sometimes the altitude could not receive low. Yoshikazu Saino @ SaYo555: Reported tweet beacon and did not hear the path of Honshu pass time of 13:40 Fitsat-1. I wonder if the re-entry already. Other reports also waiting. JR5EPQ "SHO" @ JR5EPQ Hello @ SaYo555, tone is, I was not coming cloudy beacon that is received on the path of 6:00 units FITSAT this morning. Epoch of Heavens-Above also not been updated to today's date still.
03/07/2013 18:50:37 UTC
Modified: 03/07/2013 19:54:47 UTC
Joseph Remis published prediction on the map. Based on this the most possible decay will happen on the orbit near West Africa and Spain
03/07/2013 18:27:03 UTC
Modified: 03/07/2013 18:34:58 UTC
Regularly updated telemetry data are here, on Mike, DK3WN,s SatBlog site: He said:"FITSat-1 still alive" On the published prediction graph, you can see, on tomorow (07/04) first hour,s its altitued decreased below 150 km. This predicted time has good conformity with the time, you can see on this page.
28/06/2013 07:10:48 UTC
Modified: 28/06/2013 07:16:00 UTC
Letter from the Control Team: --- "Dear Ham friends, FITSAT-1(NIWAKA) will soon decay. I appreciate if I could receive the last signal report. The beacon signal is 437.250MHz (CW). The last one will be useful to decide the decay position in the world. 73 de Takushi -- Takushi Tanaka, JA6AVG FITSAT-project Fukuoka Institute of Technology" For direct access use on the japanese Fitsat-1 page the Mail tab:
27/06/2013 18:12:22 UTC
Modified: 27/06/2013 18:17:29 UTC
Here, in Hungay, there are some radio amateurs, specialized to follow "amateur" satellites. We are discuss our activities in a "muholdasok" google group. Now we decided, to follow all the Niwaka orbits over us, try to listen its last sounds. We will publish our results on this web page: In the first report was published Laci, HA6NM,s recorded CW beacon.
27/06/2013 08:22:54 UTC
Morning on the twitter appeared a note, if I understand well the google translate, it say, the Niwaka decay was done: :---"It is a design that currently, satellite FITSAT-1 has been falling gradually." ---- But from the Control Team, prof Tanaka said: I have the latest reports from VK5HI on niwaka 2113utc 26-06-2013.txt, and from JA6PL on 13062709pl.txt (2013.06.27 LOS 09:39JST). So: NIWAKA is still sound. It reply now (15:55 JST on 27th June).
27/06/2013 06:44:03 UTC
You can see on the Decay Prediction diagram, the last days of Niwaka arrive soon: the prediction date looks like stabilized around the first days of jul., maybe earlier. We willnot know where will happen this event, but if you have radio amateur devices, and you can follow the last orbits, you can listen its last sounds.
24/06/2013 10:41:16 UTC
Modified: 24/06/2013 10:41:30 UTC
There was held the 6.-th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technology, RAST2013 in Istanbul, Turky, 12-14 Jun, and Prof Takushi Tanaka,s presentation on this conference about the Niwaka is downloadable from here: "Overview and Operations of FITSAT-1 (NIWAKA)".
15/06/2013 18:38:46 UTC
Hi BAM/Beau, maybe you know, on the SatBlog site regularly publishes received beacon text/data from Fitsat-1/Niwaka. The last two were pulbished by Tetshu, JA0CAW and Mike DK3WN, today (15. jul) There are telemetry data too, but they didnot decode this data. If you would like, you can use the decoder program for this, found on the "official" Fitsat site: (new link). You can read there some notes about the observed periodic changes in the signal strengths, because the satellite rotation/swings.
14/06/2013 23:45:09 UTC
I listened to the CW beacon on 437.250 MHz, and it didn't sound like a typical beacon to me. Instead of a typical "beep-beep-beep", the radio noise just disappeared. It was like instead of a tone pulsing the radio power was pulsing. Has anyone else listened to the CW beacon?
13/06/2013 10:01:47 UTC
Modified: 13/06/2013 10:42:54 UTC
It was a LED flash expiment over Japan on 06/12, 23:42:23 (Japan local time) 14:42:23(6/11) UTC. SASAOKA SHOZO "SHO", JR5EPQ published this short notes on twitter, and his new picture, here: Google translate of it: "I go to the time and position of just the forecast of Heavens-Above (6/12) tonight. Used fixed exposure, ISO12800 CONTAX f300mm F4 (to record FITSAT flashing) at 23h43m26s with my EOS60Da". Direct link to the picture:
07/06/2013 07:11:40 UTC
Modified: 07/06/2013 20:44:35 UTC
The last flashing experiment was at 00:35:30(UTC) on 6th June over Israel. But the "observation team" havenot success to see or record the flashing, they received the CW beacon only. Prof Tanaka notices on this: "Probably, the light is very faint. Most pictures of flashing NIWAKA are taken by expert astronomers. Our FITSAT team received the optical signal with photo-multiplier mounted on a telescope, but did not take pictures yet. We will stop the experiment on Sunday."
07/06/2013 07:10:33 UTC
JR5EPQ "SHO" some days ago published a picture on the twitter: Maybe we can so on it two flash impulses from Niwaka. It illustrate the difficulties of the observations: The light is very faint, the optical conditions not good, because the light pollutions, and the clouds. Need good optical devices and preparations and practices to obseve, record something.
22/05/2013 15:07:21 UTC
Modified: 22/05/2013 15:09:08 UTC
Some days ago Tetshu, JA0CAW made calculations and published on his blog site a "60 days long-range forecast for Fitsat-1/Niwaka,s illumination". You can see on this diagram, in the next days it will fly more and more in full sunlight. Because this permanent sunlight increses signiphicantly the temperature inside, there willnot be planed any led flash experiments: "Around 30th May to 5th June, the orbital plane faces to the sun, FITSAT becomes full sunshine, and temperature increases. So we can not set the flashing command during this term because of the temperature...Best 73 Takushi"
17/05/2013 12:21:08 UTC
Modified: 17/05/2013 12:33:41 UTC
News from prof Tanaka: "The antenna rotator has been fixed, and we will receive tomorrow. So we can send the command for flashing over Colorado. I have re-confirmed the plan using the latest TLE. As FITSAT increases its speed every day, 30 sec earlier may be good..." (for observation, compared to the predition based on previous day,s tle) There is an analysis of troubles on the 5.8 GHz camera system on Niwaka: and some notes on its expected behaviours in the following full sunlight period.
14/05/2013 07:33:36 UTC
Report from Izrael: Dear all, Satellite FITSAT-1 CW beacon was just received very strong in Israel around the pass of 01:19 UTC.Sky is quite cloudy. I tried to take some raw images through the clouds with my camera - CANON EOS650D, 18-135mm lens @F5.6, aiming at rough direction to the sky according to HamSatDroid application from my home roof but couldn't observe the saellite in the images. I selected exposure of 10 seconds at a time - maybe too short? I eventually operated from my home instead of the planned remote dark observation place becasue of the very bad weather conditions last evening and bad forecast. (at the end - only some clouds at the pass time, no rain...) ... Congratulations for the amazing achievements with FITSAT-1 ... best regards, Shamai 4Z1WS
06/05/2013 07:21:46 UTC
New flashing plan started on Niwaka. Prof Tanaka notices, the expected light will be very fight. People, previously made observations, niticed, their success were unambiguous, after the check and magnified the recorded pictures. Because the TLE-s changes in every day, the flashing time will be change too. Follow the actual plans here.
15/04/2013 07:06:54 UTC
Maybe you know, the official web site of Fitsat-1/Niwaka is this: You can find on this page some observation tips, and on this page you can find the mail address of Prof Takushi Tanaka, head of developer team. The best way to drop a personal mail to him. But I am afraid, the of apr. not the best time for observation, because our Moon has a lot of light in night time, before some days its full phase.
14/04/2013 20:14:18 UTC
I will be watching on the 21st (Currently April 2013). How do I request for the LED's to be switched on?
12/04/2013 07:51:55 UTC
The last flash experiment was 11/04/2013 - 23:12:35 over Italy and other south parts of Eu, but the weather wasnot suitable. Immediate note from Vincenzo Millucci at Universita Degli Studi Di Siena Osservatorio Astronomico: "Dear All, the sky is completely cloudy! Many thanks for your help; we shall continue to be in contact."
11/04/2013 15:43:13 UTC
On the real-time map you can see, there is a special "constellation", the ISS and the Fitsat-1/Niwaka has a close approach.
06/04/2013 20:14:09 UTC
More accurate info about the previous picture: "Miss Yumiko Kuribayashi took a picture of flashing NIWAKA at Oguni Kumamoto, Japan on 3rd Apr. She uesd Canon EOS 5D Mark3, Sigma APO 70-200mm F2.8, ISO12800, T=5sec, 200mm, f2.8" From here:
04/04/2013 12:00:58 UTC
Yumikur on twitter: "I was able to finally taken FITSAT! We are trimming the only place that has been reflected. 2013/4/3 20:46 time @ Kumamoto Oguni # sorayo # ascl 200mm, ISO12800, f2.8, Tv5 seconds" Direct link:
04/04/2013 11:19:51 UTC
Modified: 04/04/2013 11:53:37 UTC
Based on the new flash plans, the first exepriment was at april, 20:45 (local time) Here are the coverage areas: ** And here are two reports, captured images of its flashing, the pictures appeared on twitter, from JR5EPQ”SHO” :"JR5EPQ JR5EPQ”SHO” published at13h #FITSAT 20h46m25s Camera: CANON EOS Kiss X2 + PENTAX SMC-P f=135mm F2.5 ISO1600" Link to the picture: "JR5EPQ JR5EPQ”SHO” published at 22h (4/03) #FITSAT 20h47m10s "Camera:CANON EOS 60Da + PENTAX SMC-P f=500mm F4.5 ISO12800 Link to the picture: ** Direct links:
17/03/2013 08:28:52 UTC
Modified: 17/03/2013 08:30:06 UTC
News: ..."(failed to send command) 16th Mar. 13:35:30 - 13:37:30 (UT) South East Australia" Our comment: We would like to experess many thanks to the "old", skilled operators. They had the control over Niwaka in the previous time, but now went to prepare their univ. works. We would like to wish successes for the new students, operators.
08/03/2013 09:13:20 UTC
You can see, after some sort of pauses, start again the led flash experiments on Niwaka. We are waiting for the observation reports from Australia. It can note, you have tool to follow the possible observers form our registered members on the online tracking map of this page. In Australia, werenot too much possible observers at the time, when the flashing was sheduled... Short news for french users: on this radio amateur page, there is an up-to date info about the new shecdules:
18/02/2013 11:54:46 UTC
JR5EPQ on Twitter: FITSAT of tonight (2/15) 23h26m31s CANON EOS fixed 4 sec exposure shooting 23h26m31s 60Da + TAMRON SP AF 70-200mm F2.8 Di LD (F2.8 f200mm ISO12800) The link to the picture: without annotations:
17/02/2013 13:33:22 UTC
Modified: 17/02/2013 13:38:41 UTC
Hi Janos, thanks for posting the info on the new photo ( ). I've extracted approximate coordinates by using the floating site function of the desktop program. I think the observer was close to latitude 37.8° N, longitude 140.8° E. The estimated time resulted 14/02/2013 13.51.20 UTC +- 10 s. Let us know if more info will be available about this photo.
15/02/2013 08:32:35 UTC
At 14 febr. 16:17 (local time) was switched on the camera download system on 5.8 GHz frequency. It was a relatively good pass over Japan, and Tetshu, JA0CAW published a report on his blog site about the received signal: "There are about 10 minutes of time that passes, only two "muscle" in about two minutes, before and after ... was looked weak signal..." (Because the increased rotation) "5.84 GHz satellite antenna not facing here ... LED light emission is compared to it as well, LED's last night several people seems to have succeeded in photography". This is the recorded FFT diagram of the signal with time stamp:
14/02/2013 07:41:04 UTC
Modified: 14/02/2013 15:30:33 UTC
New picture: "Mr. Yujiro Suzuki, Kimizyu Chiba, Japan took flashing NIWAKA last night using the lens f=180mm F2.8, shutter-sp=6sec, ISO3200x2 body. (very faint)" Some more info atached to the publication place: Nikon D90 AF NIKKOR 180mm F2.8 (Equivalent to ISO6400 sensitizing stage of the ISO3200) ISO Hi1 Location: Seiwa Prefectural Forest Kimitsu, Chiba Prefecture (35.1767,140.0174) The page offer different sizes to see the picture, but not the original pucture, propose to use the largest size. "Copyright" notes: The owner has disabled downloading of their photos
13/02/2013 11:54:06 UTC
Modified: 13/02/2013 11:55:44 UTC
Today evening, maybe happened another flare event over West-South Europe. Following the current decay prediction, we can read about the 39083 decay, which is a fragment of a Soyuz rocket, SL-4 R/B : " Possible decay over South UK and Europe. February 13, at UTC 21h11 +/-3h " Published this news by Joseph Remis on see-sat list. The possible decay location:
13/02/2013 09:08:54 UTC
Modified: 13/02/2013 10:24:14 UTC
There is a new flash experiment, scheduled at today evening 22:28:00 - 22:30:00 for South Europe. Hope, the weather will be more cooperative. Maybe on the ISS the astronauts have better chances to observe the flashes. The orbit, based on satflare prediction from the observation point in Budapest, (not too much chances):
10/02/2013 13:55:00 UTC
Modified: 10/02/2013 20:22:29 UTC
Prof Tanaka published short notes about his new measures based on telemetry data. The conclusion is, it happened to increase the rotation of Niwaka: "Time of one cycle was 33 sec at 12 Nov. But, now it is 12 sec... I have no idea on the reason. Let me know if you have any idea." More details are here: http://
09/02/2013 13:18:58 UTC
It seems the observers havenot too much success in US. Some words from Jodie Reynolds,s report: "There was light cloud-cover over about 30% of the sky, unfortunately the 30% we wanted. No stars visible even through my big SkyMaster 20x80 binoculars. No success tonight I'm afraid - the weather didn't cooperate." ... Maybe at the next schedule would be better visibility conditions... we hope.
09/02/2013 09:59:54 UTC
Simone, thank you for your analysis. It seems, the night sky in every time can pruduce surprising phenomens, and we need more and more carefull evaluations, to say something shure sentences, what we see on it.
08/02/2013 14:43:59 UTC
Janos, thank you for all the details you report in the message board. I've analyzed the photo taken from the observatory located near Louisville in Hillview, KY. Unfortunately, the object visible in the photo can not be Fitsat-1. The track is not compatible with the Fitsat orbit. To highlight this, I've superimposed my analysis to the original picture: The tracks are almost perpendicular each other. Simone
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